Wednesday, April 18, 2007

世紀末暑假可說是我接觸有關同性戀題材的第一本小說. 那時十多歲的我, 正值是對愛情及性向極為敏感的年紀; 加上就讀女子中學的關係, 身邊有數位好友也是只喜歡同性的漂亮女子. 於是一看這本小說, 便被書裡劇照中那幾位中性打扮的主角俊朗陰柔的外表與故事中那浪漫淒美的意境迷住, 久久不能平伏. 那時我找了好久也找不到這齣電影. 直至今天在網上找某齣電影的資料的時候, 才發覺原來這齣電影會於今個星期天在百老匯電影中心上映. 於是那些帶著純樸情感的青澀歲月片段又一一的在腦海中浮現.


PS. 看電影資料才知道, 原來這齣電影正是近期大熱的死亡筆記的導演金子修介的早期作品. 而當中的角色則夫, 更是由小時候的深津繪理所演的. (她當時所用的藝名是水原里繪)

PPS. 想不到十多年前的電影預告片竟然也可以在youtube找到, 教我不得不打從心底對現代科技佩服起來!

純粹 - 素黑


Anonymous said...

Have been reading your blog for a while, finally here I leave my comments.

I like your writings, its very 'us'. The ones born in the 70s who often lose their identity.

I am an emotional freak too, sometimes i feel life can't be any better, sometimes I feel extremely dull, confused, not sure where I am heading.

I am just a stranger and who am I to judge you, but from your blog, I think you are a very insecure person, a person wants to be loved desperately but afraid to get hurt again.

Leave all those past behind, I know it's easier said then done.
There is no such thing called self assessment, you probably think you don't deserve to be loved with your yum sing character, but who knows if you never give it a try. If the same shit happens, at least something happens and for sure you will learn something from it.

Keep up your spirit and never isolate yourselve from love. That's the only thing keep us going - partners, friends, family. All those needs love.

I used to think I am not capable to love anyone, but I prove myself wrong.It's just a matter of getting yourself out from that 'dead angle'.

Way to go!!!

My blog is Leave me a few words if like.

阿修羅 said...

U r rite. I m still longing for the REAL love to appear, althu on the other hand I m not sure if he realli exists. I think time will tell.

Thanks! =)