juicy blog. so I can spend this sunday afternoon reading.
funny that I posted sthg about iPhone too. yet I don't think apple is a "沈寂良久的品牌". well, sony is. instead apple has been standing on the pinnacle of brands in terms of style and aesthetics, rite?
juicy blog. so I can spend this sunday afternoon reading.
funny that I posted sthg about iPhone too. yet I don't think apple is a "沈寂良久的品牌". well, sony is. instead apple has been standing on the pinnacle of brands in terms of style and aesthetics, rite?
have a nice weekend,
pass-by S
"盛夏光年" 其實早於2006年的同志國際電影節已經放映過兩場~不過現在可正式上映肯定對錯過了的朋友是好消息. UA院線早幾天還在票房向顧客派發一張很美的Postcard呢!
細閱過你這個Blog, 確實非常出色, 跟你的Multiply對比一下, 真的別有風味.
良久未見過或未碰到你在multiply現身, 在此再向你補說一聲新年快樂!
shuuichi521@multiply.com / 御用閒人@msn
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