Monday, April 17, 2006

放假的時候便偷懶. 什麼都不寫. 整整四天. 吃喝玩樂蒲到盡. 享受絕粹肉體上的歡愉.

(你知道我. 我一向貪歡.)

離開喧鬧的時候已經是早上. 坐上了的士. 刺眼的陽光射得我睜不開眼睛. 於是我架上了墨鏡.

x x x x x

我以為. 記事的目的是記錄事情的真相.

但她說. 你所寫的也委實是太赤裸了點. 誠實最後也總是傷害到自己. 你怎麼不曉得去耍點手段留點機心呢.

我只是答: 我不理. (你也知道. 這是我最愛說的三個字.)

(而其實我本想答. 也許誠實就是我的手段.)

x x x x x

半夜撥電話給情人. 喃喃的說著我愛你. 話語那麼多但我說來說去都是: 我愛你. 夢中我倆緊緊的相擁著. 都是些肉慾的片段.

醒來的時候猶自甜甜的笑著. 然後突然察覺. 我那麼愛你大概也是因為你只是我的情人而不是男友.

x x x x x

年輕的時候總是想得很遠. 老是為未來而擔憂. 現在反而學曉不去想. 橫豎想太多也沒有用.


於是沉溺在沒有將來的歡愉. 而你說得對. 做人其實也不過是過一天算一天.


Anonymous said...

hey remember me? Priscilla ar... Emmy's friend and also ex-staff of SC Media... saw your name on Kearen's 29+1 msg board wor... and suddenly recalled my memory of 29+1 last year... were u in the day show w/ the after-show-talk??

I was there.

阿修羅 said...

Yeah, I was there too... how do u know??!!!

Anonymous said...

When I saw your name appeared in Kearen's msg board, I suddenly remembered I met u on that show. You spoke quite a lot in that talk, so I remember u lor ^o^

But so weird is that, I didn't even remember I met u b4 when I saw u on Sharon's b'day party lor.